Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Housing ,


In 2006, the Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD) was created by Gubernatorial Executive Order, bringing together the housing and homelessness functions of the State into a single agency.

OHCD operates a multitude of federal and State programs designed to meet the housing, homelessness and community development needs of Rhode Island.  Currently, programs include:

  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – an annual allocation from HUD which supports a variety of activities throughout Rhode Island.
  • Consolidated Homeless Fund (CHF), including Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) – A combination of federal, State and local funds used to support emergency shelters and services available to those experiencing the crisis of homelessness.
  • CHF, Rental Subsidy Program – program which provides, through non-profit vendors, rental subsidy assistance to those experiencing homelessness, facilitating their placement in permanent housing.
  • Building Homes Rhode Island (BHRI) – State affordable housing bond resources used to develop affordable housing opportunities for Rhode Islanders.