Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Housing ,

Community Development Block Grants (CDBG)

The State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is intended to develop viable communities by providing decent housing, expanding economic opportunities and creating suitable living environments - primarily for low/moderate income persons (those earning at or below 80% of Area Median Income.

Each year the State of Rhode Island receives a formula allocation of CDBG funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to be distributed to eligible Rhode Island communities.

The CDBG program is governed by regulations of 24 CFR Part 570.  Under these guidelines, the State manages the program for those 33 Rhode Island municipalities which do not receive an allocation directly from HUD.  The Cities of Cranston, East Providence, Pawtucket, Providence, Warwick and Woonsocket are "Entitlements" and operate their own programs independent of the State effort.  By regulation, the State may only distribute funds to units of general local government.  These communities may, however, distribute funds to non-profit and other entities to undertake eligible activities.  Organizations interested in applying for CDBG funds should contact municipal CDBG Administrators or planning departments to learn about local priorities and application procedures.

Funds received (approx. $4-$5 Million annually) are distributed using a competitive application process.  Communities submit applications containing a number of activities which are reviewed by a funding committee in accordance with program regulations/policies.  This committee drafts recommendations to the Governor who typically announces awards July-September of each year.  Awards are activity specific.

While the program supports a myriad of activities including housing, economic development, facilities/improvements, services and planning - the program's priorities are housing, economic development and neighborhood revitalization.  Revitalization is a targeting of resources on a designated, distressed, predominately low- and moderate- income neighborhood.  All activities must meet a national objective, the primary of which is predominate benefit to low- and moderate- income persons.

NOW ACCEPTING - Open CDBG Grant Applications

For additional information or to submit an application, please visit the State’s Grants Management System/eCivis


Recovery Housing Program (RHP-23)

The Rhode Island Department of Housing, in partnership with the Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities & Hospitals (BHDDH) and RIHousing, has launched a new funding opportunity for the Recovery Housing Program (RHP). This initiative, funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), aims to support the acquisition and/or rehabilitation of properties to be used as stable, supportive environments for individuals in recovery from substance use disorders for up to 24 months. 

CDBG Economic Development PY23

Economic Development applications for PY23 are open as of 6/28/24. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and are suspended during the Competitive Application period in Fall 2024. 

Job training is generally considered a public service activity under CDBG Program regulations. Therefore, job training applications should be submitted via the PY’23 CDBG Competitive Application Form.

CDBG Affordable Housing PY23

Affordable Housing applications for PY23 are open as of 6/28/24. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and are suspended during the Competitive Application period in Fall 2024. 

CDBG Housing Rehabilitation PY23

Housing Rehabilitation applications for PY23 are open as of 6/28/24. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and are suspended during the Competitive Application period in Fall 2024. 

Training & Reporting Forms

Award drawdowns and reporting will occur in the eCivis portal.

Prior Years

PY’ 20/21 funds will be distributed in accordance with the method of distribution outlined in the Annual Action Plans. Rhode Island’s PY’ 20/21 CDBG allocation is $5,414,189.

PY’2019 CDBG Action Plan/Method of Distribution

Applications for Public Facilities/Improvements, and Public Services (including Job Training) will be accepted in the competitive application round. The competitive application cycle will open in March 2020 with a pre-application workshop for municipal representatives.

Competitive Application Deadline – 3 PM on June 30, 2020

Communities are required to hold public hearing(s) associated with the application. The two-month application timeline should allow municipalities sufficient time for necessary consultation/meetings.

Staff Review & Committee Meetings - Thru August

Tentative Awards Approved & Announced – September 15, 2020

At award announcement, communities will complete necessary environmental reviews. Contract agreements will be returned simultaneously with ROF (Release of Funds).