Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Department of Housing ,

Departmental Reports

Final Reports listed by Year


Under Rhode Island General Law § 42-64.34-1, the Department of Housing is charged with developing and submitting a housing organizational plan to the General Assembly.

Housing Organizational Plan Report 2024

In accordance with Rhode Island General Law § 45-24-77, the Rhode Island Department of Housing offers the following annual report on the transit-oriented development pilot program.

Transit-Oriented Development Pilot Program Report

This report by the NYU Furman Center provides insights into the feasibility of public development and ownership models as a means of delivering affordable housing in Rhode Island through 1) case studies of both longstanding and emerging models of public development within the U.S. and internationally; 2) analysis of the Rhode Island development context; and 3) a review of financing and regulatory mechanisms that could facilitate public development in Rhode Island. 

Public Development and Ownership of Housing: A Feasibility Study for Rhode Island

The enclosed attachments include baseline information, including data requested of municipalities and via publicly available information.

Fee in Lieu and PHA Report 2024

The enclosed attachments include information on letters of eligibility issued for low and moderate income housing, proposed number of units, location, AMI restrictions associated with units, and the status of these applications.  

Low and Moderate Income Housing Annual Comprehensive Permit Report 

The State of Rhode Island’s Annual Action Plan serves as an application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for funding of the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), the National Housing Trust Fund Program (HTF) and Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG). 

Annual Action Plan 2024

Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Report - An annual report providing the amount of Rhode Island low-income housing tax credits approved during the prior fiscal year. This report is pursuant to R.I.G.L. 44-71-10. 

Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Report 2024

Attachment: LIHTC Guidelines and Scoring 2024

Pursuant to RIGL § 45-53-10 the Department of Housing presents interim updates on implementation of the repurposing vacant schools for affordable housing program.

Vacant Schools Annual Report 2024


The 2023 Integrated Housing Report presented by the Department of Housing is an important initial step in the framing of the Department’s upcoming statewide housing planning efforts. This report helps to lay the foundation for the significant work ahead of us.

2023 Rhode Island Annual Integrated Housing Report


Pursuant to RIGL § 45-53-10 the Department of Housing presents interim updates on implementation of the repurposing vacant schools for affordable housing program.

2023 Vacant Schools Annual Report


The following information was collected from school and municipal officials as part of the annual Housing Aid submission.

2023 RIDE Report

The Pathways to Removing Obstacles (PRO Housing) NOFO is a competitive grant program administered by HUD that seeks to remove barriers to affordable housing production and preservation.

HUD PRO Application

El Aviso de Oportunidad de Financiamiento (NOFO) para Caminos Para Eliminar Los Obstáculos a la Vivienda (PRO Vivienda) es un programa de subvenciones competitivas administrado por HUD que busca eliminar barreras para la construcción y preservación de viviendas asequibles.

PRO Housing Espanol


The enclosed document provides an overview of the status of housing availability statewide and for each municipality, giving careful consideration to affordability by income type.

Integrated Housing Report 2022

This law directed the Secretary of Housing to provide the General Assembly with a housing organization plan by November 1, 2022 that includes (1) a review “of functions related to housing of all state departments, quasi-public agencies, boards and commissions,” and (2) “recommendations relating to the functions and structure of the new Department of Housing.”

Housing Organizational Plan 2022


The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is providing awards or funding to states to include recovery housing as part of the housing continuum. Recovery housing, also called recovery residences or sober houses, offers a living environment that is alcohol and drug free with a focus on peer support, social connectedness and connection to other recovery services that support long term recovery and reduce risk of homeless for individuals experiencing behavioral health conditions.

Recovery Housing Plan Final 2021


Overview that includes major initiatives and highlights that were proposed and executed throughout the program year 2018.

Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report PY18 (CAPER), July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019

The State of Rhode Island’s Annual Action Plan serves as an application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for funding of the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), the National Housing Trust Fund Program (HTF) and Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG). The Annual Action Plan also provides a forum for Rhode Island to summarize the State’s progress and new initiatives in support of the strategic goals identified in the Consolidated Plan.

Rhode Island PY18 Annual Action Plan, July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019


Overview that includes major initiatives and highlights that were proposed and executed throughout the program year 2017.

Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER), July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018


Overview that includes major initiatives and highlights that were proposed and executed throughout the program year 2016.

Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER), March 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017


The Rhode Island Comprehensive Housing Production and Rehabilitation Act of 2004 and Rhode Island Low and Moderate Income Housing Act (Rhode Island General Laws 45-53) general requires that 10% of each municipalities' housing stock be "affordable". A total of 29 communities are covered by the Act; 10 are exempt due to their percentage of rental housing and/or current affordable housing inventory. 

Low- and Moderate-Income Homes by Community 2014


This strategic plan outlines a program to significantly transform the provision of services to homeless people in Rhode Island

Opening Doors Rhode Island


This Handbook is a general reference on landlord-tenant relationships based on Rhode Island General Law (RIGL) Chapter 34-18, entitled the "Residential Landlord and Tenant Act," effective since January 1, 1987.

Rhode Island Landlord Tenant Handbook


We envision a Rhode Island where no one is homeless. Every person has appropriate housing and adequate income, receives effective services, and has hope for the future.

Ten-Year Plan on Homelessness